Schedule of Rates

Last Updated on: July 26, 2024

The Schedule of Rates is prepared for all Divisions of Assam under the jurisdiction of Chief Engineer, Irrigation Department, Assam, Guwahati. This Schedule of Rates for the year 2023-24(Civil) has been prepared considering the general specifications in force in the State Departments and on the basis of current practices in the State taking into consideration the prevailing market price of various consummable items. All rates of items for all kind of commonly executing works under Irrigation Department, Assam are incorporated in this Schedule of rates.

The Schedule of Rates Electrical, 2023-24 this time also includes some commonly encountered M&R items. The rates are exclusive of GST - GST to be included at the prevailing rates at the time of preparing the estimate.

The Schedule of Rates, Mechanical 2023-24 has also been prepared and made available.

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