Last Updated on: March 17, 2025
  • Whether Irrigation is necessary in Assam?

As agriculture is the main occupation in the State, irrigation is required at different stages of crop growth. Although rainfall is high, yet it is unevenly distributed and concentrated during 4-5 months of monsoon period only. Dry spell leads to crop failure and subsequent loss of production.

Further, for practicing multiple cropping, irrigation is the main input to increase the income double. Hence, irrigation is necessary. It is required to provide timely water supply for High Yielding Varieties of crops which are more susceptible to moisture stress.

  • What are the main reasons for slow progress of Irrigation works?

         The slow The progress of Irrigation works in the State is due to the following reasons:

  • Late inroads of Irrigation activities in Assam, and lack of awareness amongst the masses
  • Frequent flood submergence of paddy fields during monsoon period.
  • Land acquisition problems.
  • Law and order problem since 1979.
  • Gradual decrease of plan allocation.
  • Limited working period because of long monsoon.
  • Scarcity of forest produce.
  • Non energisation in time and shortage of electricity.
  • High salinity/iron in ground water in certain areas.

  • Why Irrigation water is not supplied free of cost?

The Operation & Maintenance of Irrigation Schemes are taken from revenue Fund. Present Financial Provisions for Maintenance of assets created are inadequate and seems to be the burden on the State exchequer. To supplement the resources of the State, the Government of Assam has enacted “The Assam Irrigation Act, 1983”, and accordingly, “Irrigation Service Charges” has been introduced. The beneficiaries are made partners in the system with a sense of belonging. The realisation of Irrigation Service Charges has been taken up from 1994-1995.

  • Why Irrigation Rates are so high in Assam?

The Water Charges for various crops should be fixed in such a way that they cover at least the Operation & Maintenance Charges for providing the service initially and a part of the capital costs subsequently. The Operation & Maintenance Charges seems to be on the higher side due to high Establishment Cost.

  • What are the Irrigation Service Charges for different Crops in Assam?

Present rates of irrigation Service Charges are as follows.

                             Crops                                               Rate per Ha

                              1. Kharif                                              ₹ 281.24

                             2. Wheat & Other Rabi crops           ₹ 562.50

                             3. Early Ahu                                         ₹ 751.00

                             4. Ahu                                                  ₹ 751.00

                             5. Jute                                                  ₹ 150.00

                            6. Sugar Cane                                      ₹ 222.00

  • Whether farmers are paying the Irrigation Service Charges? If so, what is the status?

The collection of Irrigation Service Charges is a difficult task for the Department. Yet some farmers are making it a habit of paying water Charges. The collected service charges for last 3 years are:

                 Year                                    Amount                 


            2020-2021                             ₹575135              

            2021-2022                             ₹273003            

          2022-2023                             ₹1178226             

  • How the poor farmers would pay Irrigation Service Charges during the period of natural calamity?

There is provision for exemption of Irrigation Service Charges as per Clause 47(7), Chapter V of “The Assam Irrigation Act, 1983”. The Clause states – “If in the opinion of the State Government, the enactment of all or any of the provisions of the Chapter will cause hardship in any case or cases, the Government may by Notification setting out the Ground therefore exempt either permanently or for a specified period such case or cases from all or any of the provisions of this Chapter, subject to such conditions, if any, as the Government may deem fit to impose.”

  • Why, in spite of having implemented nos. of schemes the Irrigation Department has not been able to provide Irrigation Water when needed ?

There are several schemes(Surface Water/Ground Water) in inoperative condition for the following reasons:

  1. Lack of proper maintenance of different components like canals, pumps, motors, panel boards, suction & delivery units and gates etc. for want of sufficient fund.
  2. Erratic power supply and low Voltages.
  3. Theft of Pumps & Motors, HT & LT Conductors and accessories.
  4. Siltation at intake point and diversion of river course.
  5. Frequent Flood damages.

  • Schemes taken up long back have not been completed as yet. What action the Department is initiating to complete those?

The Department could not complete a good number of ongoing schemes for lack of allocation of fund under capital head. For this reason, the Department has taken action to complete those schemes under Programmes viz. NLCPR (Non Lapsable Central Pool of Resources), PMKSY(AIBP and Har- Khet-ko-Pani), ARIASP (Assam Rural Infrastructure & Agricultural Services Project funded by World Bank), and NABARD Fund. The schemes would be completed in a phased manner subject to availability of fund in the proper Head of Accounts.

  • Procedure for seeking Information
  • Model Application Form seeking Information

To        : The P.I.O./Executive Engineer

              Guwahati Division (Irrigation), Ulubari, Guwahati – 7

Sub      : Prayer for Information

Ref      : RTI Act 2005 (No.22 of 2005)


            I have the honour to request you to kindly make available the following information as per RTI Act, 2005

Detail of F.O.C. received during 2014-2015 and contractor-wise payment made. Photocopies of vouchers may please also be furnished.

For applicant below poverty line it is also brought to your kind notice that I am living below the Poverty Line, for which necessary certificate is enclosed.


                                                          Yours faithfully

Encl: As above


                                                              Sri Hari Das

                                                              Vill/Lane Dispur

                                                              P.O Dispur, Guwahati -6

                                                              P.S. Dispur

                                                              District Kamrup Metro

  • Prescribed Fee Norms are as follows:

As per Section 6(1)                  10/- per application

As per Section 7(1)                  10/- per application

As per Section 7(5)                  10/- per application

  • Precise information may be sought as per Model Application Form and may be requested with the following tips
  1. Work order issued against Mayang ELIS (Nabahatia Centre) and payment made during 2004-2005
  2. Irrigation Service Charges realised during the year 2004-2005 against Jamuna Irrigation Scheme and amount deposited to Public exchequer
  3. I want to avail Site Inspection for the work of Silt Clearance from Ch. 0 M to 16,000 M of Main Canal under Dhansiri Irrigation Project. As such it is requested to furnish the records of Work Order issued and payment made with the names of the contractors.

  • Right to Citizen in case of denial of Information & Procedure to Appeal.

Any person who does not receive any decision on his/her request within the Time Limit specified in the Act (min.48 hours and max. 30 days) may prefer an appeal to such office who is senior to him (PIO). The appeal must be filed within 30 days from receiving such decisions and the time limit for disposal of the case is 30 days (extendable to 45 days). The person can prefer a 2nd appeal within 90 days from the date of  such decision with the State Information Commission may enquire into the allegation filed by a person against a PIO on refusing to accept request for information, no response or demanding unreasonable fee, giving incomplete information etc.

  • With relation to Training imparted to Public by the Public Authority

               No Training Programme is imparted by Irrigation Department under Plan Head.

  • With relation to Certificate, No Objection Certificate etc. issued by the Public Authority not included in Manual-13

Irrigation Department issues NOC to other Departments/Agencies in case of any proposal from that end for use of water from water bodies where Irrigation Schemes exists so that the functioning of schemes do not hamper.

  • Reasons for not satisfactory realization of Irrigation Service charges are
    • The general tendency and the mind-set of the beneficiaries to get free water from Govt. Schemes.
    •  Poor infrastructures coupled with erratic power supply, low voltages, leading to unsatisfactory delivery services.
    •  Lack of awareness ue to remoteness from National mainstream. Scientific agriculture is not practised due to frequent flood submergence. during Kharif season and thus loss of production leading to low affordability of the farmers.
    • Small fragmented land holding coupled with absentee landlord has hampered the process of realization.

  • The department has initiated the following steps to reduce not satisfactory Irrigation Service charges  
    •         The Assam Irrigation Water Users' Act,2004, has been enacted with a view to gearing up the Realisation of Irrigation Service Charges. However the Rules are yet to be framed/implemented.

    • Districtwise Farmers' Motivation training are conducted from time to time to encourage them to go for more and more multiple cropping so that they become more economically sound and do not feel the pinch to pay water charges.

    • proposal is being formulated for furnishing for furnishing the list of defaulting beneficiaries to the concerning Deputy Commissioner for realization of Irrigation dues along with Land Revenue. 

    • 1940 numbers of Water Users' Associations have been formed in the command areas of Irrigation Schemes.

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