Sources of Funding
Irrigation programmes in the State received financial assistance from Accelerated Irrigation Benefit Programme (AIBP) funded by Central Government. Other assistances are also received from Non-Lapsable Central Pool of Resources (NLCPR), Assam Rural Infrastructure and Agriculture Services Project (ARIASP) funded by World Bank, NABARD as well as North East Council fund apart from State’s own resources.
The projects taken up by the department can be broadly classified into three major categories on the basis of sources of funding:
- Centrally Funded Project
- State Funded Project
- Institutional Funded Project
Centrally Funded Project
A. Surface Minor Irrigation Schemes (SMI)
A number of Surface Minor Irrigation Schemes has been taken up by the department because of its assured character (no dependence on power or weather) on Fund provided by the Central Government under the ambitious Prime Minister's Krishi Sinchai Yojona - Har Khet ko Paani (PMKSY-HKKP) programme to cover every plot of agricultural land. In 2022-23, 9 schemes has been taken up aiming to cover a cropland of 14109 Ha thereby benefitting 8563 numbers of small and marginal farmers in the State.
B. Accelerated Irrigation Benefit Programme (AIBP - General and 6th Schedule)
The Major & Medium Projects that received the central assistance under AIBP are:
- Dhansiri Irrigation Project
- Champamati Irrigation Project
- Bordikarai Irrigation Project
- Integrated Irrigation Scheme from Kollong River Basin and Sonai River basin
- Borolia Irrigation Project
- Pahumara Irrigation Project
- LIS from Buridehing from Khowang Area
- Hawaipur Irrigation Project
- Rupohi Irrigation Project
- Jamuna Irrigation Project
The department has also received assistance from Government of India under AIBP for implementation of Minor Irrigation Projects in batches.
Under Minor Irrigation sector, Irrigation Department received sanction of 778 nos. of Minor Irrigation schemes since 2001-02 up to 2013-14. Out of these, 555 nos. have been completed upto June 2017 creating additional potential as well as revival of lost potential by improvement of old schemes.
AIBP 39 Schemes of 2000-01 |
AIBP 739 Schemes |
C. Non Lapsable Central Pool of Resources
The broad objective of the Non-Lapsable Central Pool of Resources, created from 10% unspent budgetary fund from every Ministry of Government of India except Ocean Development and Atomic Energy, is to ensure speedy development of infrastructure in the North Eastern Region through MoDONER with budgetary support for infrastructure development of North Eastern States.
Funding Pattern: Central: State = 90:10
- NLCPR Programme - General Area
In the first phase of this program, in General Area, 86 Nos. of ongoing Minor Irrigation Schemes - both surface and ground water were taken up in the year 1999-2000 out of which 82 could be completed.
In the second phase, works of 22 Nos. of ongoing Minor Irrigation Schemes were taken up out of which 20 Nos. have been completed.
Since 2007-08, another 7 nos. of Minor Irrigation schemes are sanctioned out of these 3 nos. (Dakhindol LIS, LIS from river Buridehing in Sassoni Mouza and LIS from river Buridehing in Tengakhat Mouza) are completed.
- NLCPR Programme (Hill Area)
Since 2000-01, 10 Nos. of ongoing schemes are taken up and completed.
D. Command Area Development and Water Management (CADWM)
Command Area Development and Water Management (CADWM), a centrally sponsored programme was launched in the State in 1974-75 with the main objective for bridging the gap between potential created and potential utilized through efficient transportation of irrigation water up to farmer’s field through field channels and for equitable distribution of irrigation water following Participatory Irrigation Management through Water Users’ Association.
In addition to this, as per new programme Incentivization Scheme for Bridging the Irrigation Gap (ISBIG), the department has proposed another 15 nos. of Minor Irrigation Projects and 3 nos. of Major ongoing Projects under CADWM programme.
Funding Pattern :: Central : State = 50:50
E. One Time Additional Central Assistance (ACA)
One time ACA are the assistance provided by the then Planning Commission for particular States for undertaking important State specific Schemes. This funding is non-recurring.
Bordikorai Irrigation Project under Itakhola Division(Irrigation) in Sonitpur District is the only irrigation project that had received an amount of Rs. 47.22 Crores with an aim to revive 16994 hectres (NIA) ravaged by devastating flood in July 2004.
State Funded Project
Upto the middle of IXth Five Year Plan, almost all the irrigation schemes in the State of Assam under Irrigation Department were implemented by State Fund. Later on, seeing the huge capital investment required for implementation for irrigation schemes, many irrigation schemes were taken under different programmes of Government of India. In addition to that, Government of Assam launched its own State Plan Fund to implement irrigation schemes in phased manner with the following programmes:
A. Assam Bikash Yojana (ABY) Taken up in 2008-09, 2009-10, 2010-11
- Schemes selected : Medium
- Project : Rupahi Irrigation Project (Medium)
- Minor Schemes : selected 27, completed 20
Assam Bikash Yojana scheme wise information
B. State Plan
Under this programme, 13 schemes were taken up during the period 2010 to 2017. Out of these 6 nos were completed.
Gingia DTWIS with seven points in Gingia Gaon Panchayat of Baghmara Development Block under Behali LAC is a new initiative powered by Solar Energy. Each point would cover 20 hectares each.
MI Schemes under state plan list
C. State Specific Scheme
Under this programme, 4 nos. of schemes have been completed during 2014-15.
D. CM’s Special Package
Under CM’s special package, work of 2 schemes in Dhemaji District and 2 schemes in Barak Valley have been taken up out of which 2 schemes have already been completed.
E. Chief Minister's Samagra Gramin Unnayan Yojana (CMSGUY)
Under this scheme on an experimnetal basis, Electric and Solar hybrid power operated 71 tubewell points were installed in Majuli (20 Points), Sonitpur district (20 Points), Kamrup District (20 points) and Cachar District (11 Points). All of them has been successsfully installed and 142 Hectares of irrigation potential in NIA was created.
F. Schedule Caste Sub Plan (SCSP)
Under SCSP funding, the department has taken up works of 274 nos. of Minor Schemes during the period of 2005-06 to September 2018. Till May 2019, 234 schemes were completed, Works continuing for 34 and 6 has been proposed for abandonment for various reasons.
Schedule Caste Sub Plan details
G. Tribal Sub Plan (TSP)
Under TSP funding, the department has taken up works of 109 nos. of Minor Irrigation Schemes during the period of 2005-06 to September 2018. Till March 2019, 96 schemes were completed.
H. SOPD (State owned priority development projects)
Introduced in the financial year 2017-18, it is a State fund for top most economic priority development.
Taken up during 2018-19 : 18 Schemes completed covering 1813 Ha.
Taken up during 2018-19 : 4 ongoing Schemes covering 2100 Ha.
Taken up during 2019-20 : 17 Schemes completed covering 4169 Ha.
Taken up during 2019-20 : 7 ongoing Schemes covering 2398 Ha.
Taken up during 2020-21 : 13 Schemes completed covering 1002 Ha.
Taken up during 2020-21 : 14 ongoing Schemes covering 1831 Ha.
Taken up during 2021-22 : 10 Schemes completed covering 280 Ha.
Taken up during 2021-22 : 2 ongoing Schemes covering 475 Ha.
Apart from these 44 hybrid (Solar & Electrically operated) schemes with135 points covering an area 540 Ha has also been completed and 126 hybrid (Solar & Electrically Operated) Schemes covering 5477 Ha are going on.
Maintenance Work of Irrigation Scheme
The Department receives some funds for meeting up regular maintenance and operation cost of schemes. Though it is very meagre compared to the total number of schemes and potential coverage, department tries to keep the schemes in operation through judicious use of maintenance fund under Revenue Head. Apart from the regular amount, the department got some special funding in the recent past as shown below:
- 13th Finance Commission Grant- in-Aid
Under the 13th Finance Commission Grants- in-Aid for the year 2011-12, revival works of 83 Nos. Minor Irrigation Schemes are taken up to revive the lost potential of 3,755 Ha. In Major/Medium sector, 4 Projects were taken up to revive 1,000 Ha. of lost potential.
- Special Maintenance & Repair
Another 219 Nos. Minor Irrigation Schemes were taken up under Special Maintenance & Repair (Special M&R) for the year 2012-13 for restoration/revival of 19,410 Ha. 12 Nos. Major/Medium Irrigation schemes have been taken up under special M&R for the year 2012-13 for restoration/revival of 6,635 Ha.
A 100 days programmes was taken up from the regular M& R fund by the present government immediately after coming to power to bring into operation 54 nos defunct and partially operative schemes. All the targeted works under this programme were completed.
Institutional Funded Project
A. Assam Rural Infrastructure and Agricultural Services Project (ARIASP)
Under this programme funded by the World Bank, 222 Minor Irrigation Schemes in General Area were picked up for rehabilitation. Out of these, 192 Nos. were completed.
B. National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD) assistance
NABARD provides fund to various departments under its flagship program Rural Infrastructure Development Fund(RIDF) in tranches. Irrigation Department received loan assistance from NABARD under RIDF X, XI, XVI, XVIII, XIX, XXIV, XXV, XXVI and XXVII and subsequently executed the followings:
RIDF X: Sanctioned in 2004-05. 22 nos. of Minor Irrigation Schemes were taken up and also completed.
RIDF XI: Sanctioned in 2005-06. Works of 10 nos. of Minor Irrigation Schemes and one medium irrigation project out of 12 nos. sanctioned schemes were completed.
Modernisation of Sukla Irrigation Project (Major) was taken up and with an aim to reviving lost potential. It was also partially funded by Bodoland Territorial Council (BTC).
RIDF-XVI: Sanctioned in 2011-12. 2 nos. of Minor Irrigation Schemes were taken up and also completed.
RIDF-XVIII: Sanctioned in 2012-13.101 nos. of schemes have been sanctioned. 100 completed. One Scheme Na-Chungi Balijan DTWS under Upper Assam Drilling Division had to be proposed for abandonment owing to technical reason.
RIDF-XIX: Sanctioned in 2013-14. 21 nos. of Schemes have been sanctioned. 20 completed.
RIDF-XXIV: Sanctioned in 2018-19. 37 nos. of Schemes have been sanctioned. 36 completed as on 2023-24.
RIDF XXV: Sanctioned in 2019-20. 98 schemes taken up. 91 completed as on 2023-24.
RIDF XXVI: Sanctioned in 2020-21. 23 schemes taken up. 21 completed and 2 schemes Works are ongoing .
RIDF XXVII: Launched in 2021-22. A list of 34 schemes submitted to NABARD authorities for approval. 27Schemes are completed
RIDF XXVIII: A list of 66 schemes submitted to NABARD authorities for approval to be taken up during 2023-24. 38 Schemes are completed
RIDF XXIX: Rs. 75.00 Crore has been allocated for 54 Nos. of project. AA issued in September,2023. 7 Schemes have been completed
In addition to RIDF, a sanction for Quantum of Loan: Rs.118.46 Crores is under process under Long Term Irrigation Fund(LTIF) to complete the balance work of Dhansiri Irrigation Project.

North East Council was set up as a Regional Advisory Body under the North East Council Act, 1971. Later, it was transformed into a Regional Planning body by the 2002 amendment. It functions as a planning body for the North East area giving priority to schemes and projects which benefit two or more states.
Under NEC programme, 2 nos. of Minor Irrigation Schemes are completed. Works of another 2 nos. are in progress.